The Events:

Future Talent Summits


The Future of Work, in Your Hands

Future Talent Summit is an invitation-only gathering of policymakers, corporate executives, and university leaders from around the world. In disruptive times, with macro-political sensitivity, accelerating digitization, and a changing talent landscape, the summits represent a pivotal moment for the world’s leaders to gather, realign and partner on talent strategies and policies able to serve organizations, institutions, and societies for generations to come

Two Regional Summits per Year

One Yearly Flagship Event in June

40+ Nations Represented

Upcoming: Rome 2024

Early February kick off the new year by embarking on a unique experience for our regional summit in Rome. Gather with select members and panelists to set the ground for a new age of work.

Latest: Stockholm 2023

Our Stockholm even held this June 14-15 has been a successful gathering of the worlds most influential leaders to discuss “The Transformation of Working Life”.

Upcoming: Stockholm 2024

Early February kick off the new year by embarking on a unique experience for our regional summit in Rome. Gather with select members and panelists to set the ground for a new age of work.

Latest: Rome 2024

Early February we kicked off the new year by embarking on a unique experience for our regional summit in Rome. A gathering with select members and panelists to set the ground for a new age of work.

Previous Events

London (U.K)

Tate Modern & Sky Garden

Abu Dhabi (UAE)

New York University

Stockholm (SWE)

Grand Hôtel & Archipelago

Milan (IT)

Palazzo Edison

Toronto (CA)

York University


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