A member-driven global think tank

Future Talent Council is a global think tank and talent intelligence community bringing together employers, educators, and policymakers to discuss and rethink the future of work, policy, and education.


Future Skills

Employability, future labour markets, skills gap, skills anticipation.

Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Maturity models, psychological safety, cognitive diversity, tech & bias, social justice

Talent Acquisition & Employer Brand

Talent acquisition, employer branding, executive search, early talent


Workforce Planning

Culture, hybrid work, global workforce, mobility


Human Development

Leadership development, learning & development, lifelong learning

Education &

Education & Innovation

Curriculum innovation, employer & educator alliances, faculty & staff development

About FTC

FTC is a global think tank and talent intelligence community bringing together employers, educators and policymakers to rethink the future of work, policy and education.

Our purpose is to help improve human capability and opportunity around the world by connecting leaders, providing and generating up-to-date, relevant insights and unfiltered advice. 


A limited corporation governed under Swedish law. Reporting is public according to the EU Transparency Act.


Globally distributed organization headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.


By nomination


info (a) futuretalentcouncil dot com

35 Years of Positive Global Impact

In 1988, a company aiming to help improve communication between students and employers, is founded in Stockholm, Sweden by an aspiring MBA student. That is the seed that will grow into a vision for what Future Talent Council is today.

About Our Impact

Dan Black, EY

“I am excited to be part of the FTC because of the collaboration that it fosters across academia, the public, and the private sectors. Having all these important stakeholders at the table fosters an inclusive approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities in the global talent market.”

Dan Black
Global Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, EY


Ellen Bailey, Harvard Business Publishing

“It’s an honor to be a member of the Future Talent Council.  Not only do I get to learn from other global leaders in other disciplines, but we get to work together to make this world a better place now and for future generations.”

Ellen Bailey
Vice President, Diversity and Culture, Harvard Business Publishing


John Dewar, La Trobe University

“La Trobe University is delighted to join the Future Talent Council and collaborate with its network of leaders and industry experts who are at the forefront of the future of work, policy and education. In today’s rapidly changing world, connecting with global leaders helps us to make the most of opportunities to develop human capacity and unlock potential in our communities.”

John Dewar
Vice-Chancellor & President, La Trobe University


Patty McCord, Netflix

“There has never been a more important time for employers, educators, and policymakers to come together and collaborate. The most successful organizations will be the ones in which everyone, on every team, understands that all bets are off and everything is changing – and thinks that’s great. That is the mentality and culture that we here, at Future Talent Council, needs to work to enable.”

Patty McCord
CHRO, Netflix (1998-2012)


Jeanine Dames, Yale University

“Future Talent Council is a unique opportunity to bring together strategic visionaries across industries. This group will begin to work towards partnerships that will help mold the next generation of global workers.”

Jeanine Dames
Director, Office of Career Strategy, Yale University


Questions or wish to become a member?

Contact our team at hello@futuretalentcouncil.com


Memberships are organizational and by nomination


A limited corporation governed under Swedish law, and the EU Transparency Act


Future Talent Council is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests


Globally distributed organization headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden


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