& Panelists

Pro Vice-Chancellor Enterprise & Employment,
Brunel University

Baishakhi Taylor

Sharan Singh
Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Minerva Project

Sean O. Ferguson
Vice President of Strategy & Innovation,
Bentley University

Katarina Léger
Market Director, IMD Business School

Steven L. Liss
Vice-President and Professor, Research and Innovation, Toronto Metropolitan University

Sven Winterhalder
Head of Strategic Advancement Office, Chief Strategy Officer, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Gain Cross-Sector Insights
Collaboration, discussion, and insights from the best peers from around the world, as well as from key cross-sector representatives. Future Talent Summit is where senior leadership from the educational, corporate, and governmental sectors convene
Gain foresight into the future of work as we uncover the skills requirements that will drive successful career outcomes in the AI-powered economy of tomorrow. In this session we are officially releasing the latest PwC study on AI’s impact on jobs globally 2023-2024.
We aim to uncover key insights into their motivations, values, and vision for what higher education should give, and mean to them.
The 2-day summit agenda has been developed in conjunction with Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor at Large for Fortune Magazine, also covering and moderating is: Business Insider, WSJ, Insider Inc, Fast Company, and the Financial Times. The agenda is designed to cover overarching global megatrends, but also go deep into the challenges, and opportunities on each delegate’s desk right now.
Welcome address
Daniel Kjellsson & Chloe Tattanelli, Lars-Henrik Friis Molin, Future Talent Council
Mats Persson, Minister of Education, Sweden
Opening Keynote
Yuval Noah Harari, Historian, Philosopher, Bestselling Author “Sapiens”
Carl-Henrik Svanberg, Former Chairman Ericsson, Volvo and British Petroleum
Sebastian Siemiatkowski, CEO Klarna
Mats Persson, Minister of Education
Anders Borg, Former minister of Finance Minister of Education
Darja Isaksson, Director General, Vinnova
2 additional secret panelists to be announced.
Geoff Colvin, Editor at Large, Fortune Magazine
Power to the People. Talent Markets & Strategies in the age of AI
Dan Black, Global Lead, Talent Attraction & Acquisition at EY
Dan Black, Global Leader, Talent Attraction & Acquisition, EY
Sarah DeMark, Vice-Provost, Western Governors University
Greg Muccio, Managing Director, Southwest Airlines
Laura L. Stark, Director of Graduate Career Services, Harvard University
Anabel Fall, CPO Zuhlke Group
Virginia Tirado, People & Talent Director, Flutter
Ali Amin, Founder UBI Global
Jan Bekránek, Founder Fifth Row
Robert Maguire, CEO, Altruistic AI
Dirk Werth, Managing & Scientific Director, AWS-Institut
Nancy Gleason, Director, NYU Abu Dhabi
Danielle Solar, Program Director, Bentley University
Grant Weinberg, VP of Talent Acquisition & HR Operations, Eikon Therapeutics
Jessica Hanan, Generative AI Specialist, Altruistic
Industry & Academia Partnerships
Tahsin Alam, Asst. Dean of Advancement at University of Washington Michael G. Foster School of Business
Katarina Léger, Market Director, IMD
Sharan Singh, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Minerva Project
Kristina Broumand, Chief Legal & People Officer, Zappos
Fabiana Rizzi, Group Talent Acquisition, Development, Culture, DEI, Nexi
Monica Magri, Chief People Officer, Fedrigoni
Anna Gullstrand, Chief People Officer, Mentimeter
Daniel Kjellsson & Chloe Tattanelli, Future Talent Council
Prof Tyler Cohen, Economist and Author
Ceri Willmott, Director of Careers Consulting & Professional Development, Imperial College
Sarah DeMark, Vice Provost, Workforce Intelligence & Credential Integrity, Western Governors University
Geoffrey Rodgers,
Pro Vice-Chancellor Enterprise and Employment, Brunel University
Valerie Capers Workman,
Chief Talent Engagement Officer, Handshake
Experiential Learning
Jeremy McQuigge, Secretary-General, CAWBL
Cara Krezek, Chief Purpose Officer, The Talent Strategy Collective
Vivienne Ming, Theoretical Neuroscientist & Entrepreneur Socos Labs
& the Future of Our Jobs
James Morris, Global Head of Advocacy, PwC
Karine Perset, Head of AI Observatory, OECD
Jessica Hanan, Generative AI Specialist, Altruistic AI
BeeHive Conversations
Develop Guiding Principles for sustainable implementation of AI
How to use AI to gain a competitive advantage
Hans Vestberg, CEO and Chairman, Verizon
Geoff Colvin, Fortune
Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor, Writer,Stanford University
Thank You
Daniel Kjellsson & Chloe Tattanelli, Future Talent Council